Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mean Lisa

Damn  you Lisa Delpit.  You really annoyed me in this one.  What's with the blame game???  Are we "white people" that terrible???  Really??? Man oh man I'm frustrated with this one.  I highly disagree with the fact that we are "too headstrong," and that we "think we know what's best for everybody and for everybody's children. (p21)"  I know what is best for myself and my own children...not anyone else's and I don't feel that I come off that way at all.  I feel like some of these statements were sooooo generalized and insulting; such as "they listen but they don't hear," referring to "us" as a 'cancer' or a 'sore. (p. 21)'  On page 24, the term 'miscommunication' is utilized.  This doesn't exactly sound as if "we" are perceived as miscommunicaters, but more so that there is some type of 'blame game' being put on us.  That we are terrible and ignorant beings.  Although I am not necessarily a "teacher" per say, I do educate my students in the health office and my patients in the hospital on a continued basis.  My 'teaching style' is based around empathy and guidance.  I felt that Delpit was implying that if we are not "overly harsh" then we are not doing our jobs right.  Who are you to judge Delpit?  I don't want others to remember me as "harsh and mean."  That's not my style.  So am I know being judged for my style and beliefs?  Why can't we all just get along?!?! I guess it all comes back to Johnson...

Lisa Delpit argues that whites are poor educators ....


  1. I completely agree Michelle, I told you yesterday that this was not an article that I liked. I also felt very judged and that did not sit well with me

  2. I totally get what you are saying Michelle...and thank you for "missing the boat" with me in class yesterday lol!! For some reason I was more incensed from the first two articles than ....hence my missing the boat could be real haha.
